WUWeather scen

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Posts: 735
Joined: 12 Aug 2012, 08:53
Location: Hofors

Scen som hämtar data ifrån http://www.wunderground.com. Du fyller bara i den station du önskar få värdena ifrån. Kan vara antingen en PWS station eller en LOCID.

För att scenen ska fungera så måste du ha en virtuell enhet med 9st labels.
Dessa labels ska ha följande namn:
lblTemp, lblHum, lblBar, lblWind, lblRain, lblFcst, lblStation, lblUpdate, lblNotify
Ändra raden WU.selfId till din VD's id så scenen vet vilken VD den ska uppdatera med data

Du kan väderprognos skickad som push meddelande, antingen via Fibaro push teknik eller via Telegram's teknik. Bägge kräver givetvis deras egen app.
Väder prognosen kan fås i flera olika språk vilket scenen har stöd för.

Har ni frågor så fråga så ska jag svara så fort jag hinner.
Skärmavbild 2016-04-01 kl. 16.14.39.png
Skärmavbild 2016-04-01 kl. 16.15.04.png

Code: Select all

%% autostart
%% properties
%% globals
-- HOWTO --
-- 1. Create a virtual device with 9 labels and set the ID to like below, else this scene will not work.
-- 2. lblTemp, lblHum, lblBar, lblWind, lblRain, lblFcst, lblStation, lblUpdate, lblNotify
-- 3. Change ID of virtual device in WU.selfId

-- NOTE --
-- Scheduled time you set for forecast push is just an indication of time.
-- Real time will be the hour you set + minute of when scene starts.
-- Script will check server version for new updated version (default = true)

-- WU WeatherData - Fetch weather data from wunderground.com. Multilanguage support!
-- Inspired by GEA(steven), stevenvd, Krikroff and many other users.
-- Source - forum.fibaro.com, domotique-fibaro.fr and worldwideweb
-- Special thanks to petergebruers from forum.fibaro.com with demo script

-- PWS = Personal Weather Station
-- LOCID = Public station
-- 2014-03-22 - Permissions granted from Krikroff :)
-- 2014-03-23 - Added rain and forecast, Added FR language. 
-- 2014-03-23 - Language variable changed to get the translation from wunderground.com in forcast
-- 2014-03-24 - Added PL language
-- 2014-03-24 - Select between PWS or LOCID to download weather data
-- 2015-10-23 - New source code.
-- 2015-10-23 - Added NL translation
-- 2015-11-16 - Added DE, FR translation. Fixed some bug in the code(hardcoded smartphoneID,inch to metric for rain value)
-- 2015-11-18 - Script moved to scene instead of mainloop in VD. VD is only used as GUI.
-- 2015-11-18 - Send push if script cannot fetch data
-- 2015-11-26 - adjustment of code. Function from sebcbien at domotique-fibaro.fr
-- 2015-11-27 - Oops! Removed forecast push by mistace.
-- 2016-02-11 - send push if new version of script is out
-- 2016-03-31 - Added NO translation, did cleanup the code a little bit.
-- 2016-03-31 - It is now posible to use Telegram as push. Change WU.pushOption value to Telegram or Fibaro. 
--            - also change WU.Telegramtoken and WU.Telegramchat_id to your values

version = "{2.2.1}"

WU = {}

versionCheck = true   -- check if new version of script exist on server

WU.language = "SW";  -- EN, FR, SW, PL, NL, DE, NO (default is en)

-- WU settings
WU.APIkey = "14eaff9ff154dd35"  -- Put your WU api key here
WU.PWS = "IGVLEBOR5"          -- The PWS location to get data for (Personal Weather Station)
WU.LOCID = "SWXX0076"         -- The location ID to get data for (City location)
WU.station = "PWS"            -- PWS or LOCID
-- Other settings
WU.smartphoneID = 211         -- your smartphone ID
WU.push_fcst1 = "06:30"       -- time when forecast for today will be pushed to smartphone
WU.push_fcst2 = "17:00"       -- time when forecast for tonight will be pushed to smartphone
WU.sendPush = true            -- send forecast with push
WU.pushOption = "Telegram"    -- Use Fibaro or Telegram?

-- Telegram settings
WU.Telegramtoken = "YOUR:APIKEY"
WU.Telegramchat_id = "2025xxxxx"
WU.Telegramurl = "https://api.telegram.org/bot"..WU.Telegramtoken.."/sendMessage?chat_id="..WU.Telegramchat_id.."&text="

updateEvery = 10               -- get data every xx minutes
WU.selfId = 150               -- ID of virtual device

WU.translation = {true}
WU.currentDate = os.date("*t"); 
DoNotRecheckBefore = os.time()
WU.scheduler = os.time()+60*updateEvery

WU.translation["EN"] = {
    Exiting_loop_push = "Exiting_loop_push",
    Push_forecast = "Push forecast",
    Temperature = "Temperature",
    Humidity = "Humidity",
    Pressure = "Pressure",
    Wind = "Wind",
    Rain = "Rain",
    Forecast = "Forecast",
    Station = "Station",
    Fetched = "Fetched",
    Data_processed = "Data processed",
    Update_interval = "Next update will be in (min)",
    No_data_fetched = "No data fetched",
    new_version = "New version of WUWeather.lua script is out! ",
    script_url = "http://jonnylarsson.se/JL/",
    NO_STATIONID_FOUND = "No stationID found",
    NO_DATA_FOUND = "No data found"
WU.translation["FR"] = {
    Exiting_loop_push = "Exiting_loop_push",
    Push_forecast = "Push prévisions",
    Temperature = "Température",
    Humidity = "Humidité",
    Pressure = "Pression",
    Wind = "Vent",
    Rain = "Pluie",
    Forecast = "Prévisions",
    Station = "Station",
    Fetched = "Reçu",
    Data_processed = "Données Analysées",
    Update_interval = "Prochaine update prévue dans (min)",
    No_data_fetched = "Pas de données reçues",
    new_version = "New version of WUWeather.lua script is out! ",
    script_url = "http://jonnylarsson.se/JL/",
    NO_STATIONID_FOUND = "StationID non trouvée",
    NO_DATA_FOUND = "Pas de données disponibles"
WU.translation["SW"] = {
    Exiting_loop_push = "Push loop avslutad",
    Push_forecast = "Push forecast",
    Temperature = "Temperatur",
    Humidity = "Fuktighet",
    Pressure = "Barometer",
    Wind = "Vind",
    Rain = "Regn",
    Forecast = "Prognos",
    Station = "Station",
    Fetched = "Hämtat",
    Data_processed = "All data processat",
    new_version = "New version of WUWeather.lua script is out! ",
    script_url = "http://jonnylarsson.se/JL/",
    Update_interval = "Nästa uppdatering är om (min)",
    No_data_fetched = "Inget data hämtat",
    NO_STATIONID_FOUND = "StationID ej funnet",
    NO_DATA_FOUND = "Ingen data hos WU"
WU.translation["PL"] = {
    Exiting_loop_push = "Exiting_loop_push",
    Push_forecast = "Push prognoza",
    Temperature = "Temperatura",
    Humidity = "Wilgotność",
    Pressure = "Pressure",
    Wind = "Wiatr",
    Rain = "Deszcz",
    Forecast = "Prognoza",
    Station = "Stacja",
    Fetched = "Nie pobrano danyc",
    Data_processed = "Dane przetworzone",
    new_version = "New version of WUWeather.lua script is out! ",
    script_url = "http://jonnylarsson.se/JL/",
    No_data_fetched = "Brak danych",
    Update_interval = "Następna aktualizacja za (min)",
    NO_STATIONID_FOUND = "No stationID found",
    NO_DATA_FOUND = "Brak danych"
WU.translation["NL"] = {
    Exiting_loop_push = "Exiting_loop_push",
    Push_forecast = "Push verwachting",
    Temperature = "Temperatuur",
    Humidity = "Vochtigheid",
    Pressure = "Druk",
    Wind = "Wind",
    Rain = "Regen",
    Forecast = "Verwachting",
    Station = "Weerstation",
    Fetched = "Ontvangen",
    Data_processed = "Gegevens verwerkt",
    new_version = "New version of WUWeather.lua script is out! ",
    script_url = "http://jonnylarsson.se/JL/",
    Update_interval = "Volgende update in (min)",
    No_data_fetched = "Geen gegevens ontvangen",
    NO_STATIONID_FOUND = "Geen stationID gevonden",
    NO_DATA_FOUND = "Geen gegevens gevonden"

WU.translation["DE"] = {
    Exiting_loop_push = "Exiting_loop_push",
    Push_forecast = "Push vorhersage",
    Temperature = "Temperatur",
    Humidity = "Luftfeuchtigkeit",
    Pressure = "Luftdruck",
    Wind = "Wind",
    Rain = "Regen",
    Forecast = "Vorhersage",
    Station = "Station",
    Fetched = "Abgerufen",
    Data_processed = "Daten verarbeitet",
    new_version = "New version of WUWeather.lua script is out! ",
    script_url = "http://jonnylarsson.se/JL/",
    No_data_fetched = "Keine Daten abgerufen",
    Update_interval = "Das nächste Update in (min)",
    NO_STATIONID_FOUND = "Keine stationID gefunden",
    NO_DATA_FOUND = "Keine Daten gefunden"

WU.translation["NO"] = {
    Push_forecast = "Push værmelding",
    Temperature = "Temperatur",
    Humidity = "Fuktighet",
    Pressure = "Barometer",
    Wind = "Vind",
    Rain = "Regn",
    Forecast = "Prognose",
    Station = "Stasjon",
    Fetched = "Hentet",
    Data_processed = "All data prosessert",
    Update_interval = "Neste oppdatering om (min)",
    No_data_fetched = "Ingen data hentet",
    NO_STATIONID_FOUND = "StasjonID ikke funnet",
    NO_DATA_FOUND = "Ingen data hos WU"

if WU.station == "LOCID" then
    locationID = WU.LOCID
    WU.station == "PWS" then
    locationID = WU.PWS

Debug = function ( color, message )
  fibaro:debug(string.format('<%s style="color:%s;">%s</%s>', "span", color, message, "span")); 
local function log(str) if debug then fibaro:debug(str); end; end
local function errorlog(str) fibaro:debug("<font color='red'>"..str.."</font>"); end

function Telegrambot(msg)
local selfhttp = net.HTTPClient({timeout=2000})
url = WU.Telegramurl .. msg

selfhttp:request(url, {
    headers = selfhttp.controlHeaders,
    data = requestBody,
    method = 'GET'
  success = function(status)
    local result = json.decode(status.data);
    if result.ok == true then
      Debug("grey", "Sucessfully sent message  to Telegram Bot...") 
  error = function(error)
    Debug("red", error) 

function versionChecker()
local function getMethod(requestUrl, successCallback, errorCallback)
local http = net.HTTPClient()
  http:request(requestUrl, {
      options = {
        method = 'GET',
        headers = {
      success = successCallback,
      error = errorCallback
content = "WUWeather.lua"
local url = 'http://jonnylarsson.se/JL/'..content

getMethod(url, function(resp)
  s = resp.data
    serverVersion = string.match(s, "{(.-)}");
    scriptVersion = string.match(version, "{(.-)}");
    if serverVersion > scriptVersion then
      Debug("grey", "Checking script version...") 
      Debug("yellow", "There is a new version out! "..'<a href="http://jonnylarsson.se/JL/WUWeather.lua" target="_blank" style="display:inline;color:Cyan">Get it!</a>')
    if WU.sendPush then
      if WU.pushOption == "Fibaro" then
        fibaro:call(WU.smartphoneID , "sendPush", WU.translation[WU.language]["new_version"].." "..WU.translation[WU.language]["script_url"])
        elseif WU.pushOption == "Telegram" then
        Telegrambot(WU.translation[WU.language]["new_version"].." "..WU.translation[WU.language]["script_url"])
    print('error' .. err)

local http = net.HTTPClient()

local function errorWU(err)
  if WU.pushOption == "Fibaro" then
    fibaro:call(WU.smartphoneID , "sendPush", "[WUWeather scene]. Error: "..err )
  elseif WU.pushOption == "Telegram" then
    Telegrambot("[WUWeather scene]. Error: "..err )
  Debug( "red", "[HTTPClient:request]. Error: "..err );

local function sendPopup()
-- variable containing path of Motion Sensor’s icon
local imgUrl = popupIMG
-- pop-up call
        -- title (required)
    title = 'Weather forecast',
        -- subtitle(optional), e.g. time and date of the pop-up call
    subtitle = os.date("%I:%M:%S %p | %B %d, %Y"),
        -- content header (optional)
    contentTitle = 'Forecast from WU Weather',
        -- content (required)
    contentBody = fcastday.." - "..fcast,
        -- notification image (assigned from the variable)
    img = imgUrl,
        -- type of the pop-up
    type = 'Info',

local function processWU(response)
      options = {method = 'GET'},
      success = processWU,
      error = errorWU
  Debug( "green", "Now downloading data from www.wunderground.com");
  if response then -- the first time you enter the loop, this will be nil
    if response.status~=200 then
    Debug( "red", "Server returned an error, but will retry. Error: "..response.status)
        WU.now = os.date("%H:%M")
        jsonTable = json.decode(response.data)
        stationID = jsonTable.current_observation.station_id
        city = jsonTable.current_observation.observation_location.city
        humidity = jsonTable.current_observation.relative_humidity
        temperature = jsonTable.current_observation.temp_c
        pression = jsonTable.current_observation.pressure_mb
        wind = jsonTable.current_observation.wind_kph
        rain = jsonTable.current_observation.precip_today_metric
        icon = jsonTable.current_observation.icon
        weathericon = jsonTable.current_observation.icon_url
        fcstday1 = jsonTable.forecast.txt_forecast.forecastday[1].title
        fcst1 = jsonTable.forecast.txt_forecast.forecastday[1].fcttext_metric
        fcst1icon = jsonTable.forecast.txt_forecast.forecastday[1].icon_url
        fcstday2 = jsonTable.forecast.txt_forecast.forecastday[2].title
        fcst2 = jsonTable.forecast.txt_forecast.forecastday[2].fcttext_metric
        fcst2icon = jsonTable.forecast.txt_forecast.forecastday[2].icon_url
        if (stationID ~= nil) then
          fibaro:call(WU.selfId , "setProperty", "ui.lblStation.value", locationID);
          fibaro:call(WU.selfId , "setProperty", "ui.lblCity.value", city);
          fibaro:call(WU.selfId , "setProperty", "ui.lblTemp.value", WU.translation[WU.language]["Temperature"].." "..temperature.." °C");
          fibaro:call(WU.selfId , "setProperty", "ui.lblHum.value", WU.translation[WU.language]["Humidity"].." "..humidity);
          fibaro:call(WU.selfId , "setProperty", "ui.lblBar.value", WU.translation[WU.language]["Pressure"].." "..pression.." mb");
          fibaro:call(WU.selfId , "setProperty", "ui.lblWind.value", WU.translation[WU.language]["Wind"].." "..wind.." km/h");
          fibaro:call(WU.selfId , "setProperty", "ui.lblRain.value", WU.translation[WU.language]["Rain"].." "..rain.." mm");
              if (WU.now >= "03:00" and WU.now <= "15:59") then
                  fibaro:call(WU.selfId , "setProperty", "ui.lblFcst.value",WU.translation[WU.language]["Forecast"].." "..fcstday1.." - "..fcst1);
                  --fibaro:call(WU.selfId , "setProperty", "ui.lblIcon.value","<img src=http://jonnylarsson.se/JL/png/"..icon..".png>");
                elseif (WU.now >= "16:00" and WU.now <= "23:59") then
                  --fibaro:call(WU.selfId , "setProperty", "ui.lblIcon.value","<img src=http://jonnylarsson.se/JL/png/nt_"..icon..".png>");
                fibaro:call(WU.selfId , "setProperty", "ui.lblFcst.value", WU.translation[WU.language]["Forecast"].." "..fcstday2.." - "..fcst2);
            if WU.sendPush then
                if (os.date("%H:%M") == WU.push_fcst1) then
                  if versionCheck then
                  if WU.pushOption == "Fibaro" then
                    fcastday = fcstday1
                    fcast = fcst1
                    fibaro:call(WU.smartphoneID , "sendPush", fcstday1.." - "..fcst1)
                    popupIMG = "http://jonnylarsson.se/JL/png/"..icon..".png"
                  elseif WU.pushOption == "Telegram" then
              	  Telegrambot(fcstday1.." - "..string.lower(fcst1).." - "..fcst1icon)
                elseif (os.date("%H:%M") == WU.push_fcst2) then
                  if WU.pushOption == "Fibaro" then
                  fcastday = fcstday2
                  fcast = fcst2
                  fibaro:call(WU.smartphoneID , "sendPush", fcstday2.." - "..fcst2)
                  popupIMG = "http://jonnylarsson.se/JL/png/nt_"..icon..".png"
                  elseif WU.pushOption == "Telegram" then
                  Telegrambot(fcstday2.." - "..string.lower(fcst2).." - "..fcst2icon)
            if WU.sendPush then
              fibaro:call(WU.selfId , "setProperty", "ui.lblNotify.value", WU.translation[WU.language]["Push_forecast"].."  = true");
              else fibaro:call(WU.selfId , "setProperty", "ui.lblNotify.value",WU.translation[WU.language]["Push_forecast"].."  = false");
          WU.scheduler = os.time()+updateEvery*60
          fibaro:call(WU.selfId, "setProperty", "ui.lblUpdate.value", os.date("%c"));
              fibaro:debug(WU.translation[WU.language]["Update_interval"].." "..updateEvery)
    sleepAndcheck = 0
  while sleepAndcheck <= 20*updateEvery do
    sleepAndcheck = sleepAndcheck+1
    if (DoNotRecheckBefore <= os.time()) and ((WU.scheduler == os.time) or (os.date("%H:%M") == WU.push_fcst1) or (os.date("%H:%M") == WU.push_fcst2)) then
      Debug("orange", WU.translation[WU.language]["Exiting_loop_push"]);
      DoNotRecheckBefore = os.time()+60
      sleepAndcheck = 20*updateEvery

Debug( "orange", "WU Weather - LUA Scripting by Jonny Larsson 2015/2016" );
Debug( "orange", "Version: "..version);
if versionCheck then
Debug( "yellow", "Morning forecast push will be: "..WU.push_fcst1);
Debug( "yellow", "Afternoon forecast push will be: "..WU.push_fcst2);
processWU() --this starts an endless loop, until an error occurs
Posts: 58
Joined: 28 Feb 2015, 17:29

Hej Jonny!

Gillar verkligen vad du gjort men jag gör nog fel någonstans. Hittade en länk till den virtuella enheten i en annan tråd och laddade ned den och ändrade parametrarna enligt instruktionerna.

Mitt problem är att jag får upp en virtuell enhet som ser ut så här:
1.PNG (8.95 KiB) Viewed 8609 times
Men jag skulle vilja att den ser ut som när jag expanderat enheten:
Vad gör jag för fel? ska jag ta bort skriptet i den virtuella enheten jag laddat ner och ersätta det med scen-scriptet ovan? Eller är det något annat som ställer till problemet?
Posts: 264
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Man måste expandera manuellt med knappen uppe till höger
Posts: 735
Joined: 12 Aug 2012, 08:53
Location: Hofors

En vd klarar bara visa 1 sak sen för att visa allt måste man expandera manuellt

Regards Jonny Larsson
From my iPhone6+ med Tapatalk
Posts: 58
Joined: 28 Feb 2015, 17:29

Tack för svaren! :)

Står i begrepp att köpa en ny väderstation och tänkte att jag skulle kunna använda denna vd i imperihome i stil med bilden där jag lagt in en del från avancerade fliken på vd:n men tydligen tappar Imperihome bort positionen och sedan stör det mig att fliken med spara etc kommer med. En väderstation som man också kan göra en massa annat kul med är ju bättre än enbart än väderstation och en billig surfplatta kostar ju inte så mycket.

Är det någon som vet varför imperihome inte hittar denna vd? Den hittar mina två andra men de är å andra sidan långt ifrån lika avancerade. I så fall borde det ju gå att lägga upp en massa lika vd där man anger olika labels som main även om man får uppdatera lite mindre ofta :D
Bilden är från gratisversionen av imperihome som jag har på jobbsurfplattan.
Posts: 58
Joined: 28 Feb 2015, 17:29

Vad skumt, i surfplattan finns VD:n i imperihome :D
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Z-Wave Kung
Posts: 1192
Joined: 03 Jan 2015, 16:49
Location: Vegby

Här kommer ett litet tips för er som hämtar data till WUWeather från en PWS (Personal Weather Station).
Scenen WUWeather hämtar mina väderdata var 5'e minut från en PWS belägen 2 km hemifrån.

Men av någon jäkla anledning stannar WU-scenen väldigt ofta. Den snurrar sällan mer än ett dygn innan jag måste starta om den igen. Jag hämtar samma data till Domoticz, och den har aldrig krånglat.

I Domoticz anger jag stationens GPS-coordinater i stället för PWS och LOCID (location ID).
Så jag testade med att lägga in GPS-coordinaterna även i WUWeather-scenen.
Det fungerade över förväntan och nu har scenen snurrat felfritt i snart 2 veckor, en scen som tidigare stannade varje dygn!
Så här gjorde jag:
Lägg till variabeln WU.coords (WU.PWS och WU.LOCID kan stå kvar)

Code: Select all

WU.PWS = "IVSTRAGT35"			-- The PWS location to get data for (Personal Weather Station)
WU.LOCID = "SWXX0090"			-- The location ID to get data for (City location)
WU.station = "PWS"			-- PWS or LOCID
WU.coords = "57.666547,13.423233"	-- GPS-coordinaterna för din PWS som hämtas från http://api.wunderground.com/.
Redigera sedan raden med http:request och byt ut (WU.station..":"..locationID) mot (WU.coords)

Code: Select all

--  http:request ("http://api.wunderground.com/api/"..WU.APIkey.."/conditions/forecast/lang:"..WU.language.."/q/"..WU.station..":"..locationID..".json",{
Har du nu petat in rätt koordinater så skall scenen snurra igång.
Min gamla ombyggda HC2 har fått ett nytt liv och min HC3 är nu nedkopplad.
HC2 med Home Assistant har blivit en riktig Game Changer och nu har jag hemautomatik på riktigt.
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